electronic office document management
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Chapter: Documents


Outgoing documents (ie documents created by the firm) are created in Word for Windows using the outgoing form or record.

Word documents created through this form following the defined procedure are automatically saved to this record.

Like other records, its major fields are computed by reference to the Matter Record. Its fields are explained below.

A shared Keyword field that references the following static list of keywords:
In Progress
On hold

Under review

File type - computed
In outgoing documents, the File Type field is computed. A document can only be classified as a Court Document if It has been given a Date filed.

This field holds the documents matter number. The number may be entered manually or by using the "Find" button. Upon exiting this field, the matter number is checked to see if it exists in the System db. If it exists, relevant fields in the outgoing document that are stored in the Matter Record are updated.

Solicitor - shared field, keyword by formula from the System db
The author of the document is selected from a computed list of the initials of all solicitors. Only solicitors (and special personnel designated by the system as having the status of a solicitor), can be the author of a document. Once a document has been finalised, its author cannot be changed.

ClientName - shared and computed
Re - shared and computed
RespSol - shared and computed
ClientNo - Shared and computed ( under the administration section)

Filedby - shared and computedwhen composed

The date of the document. While the status of the doucment is In Progress, the date is updated every time the Word document is saved.

DateServed - Editable time field
The date the document was published or served on the intended recipient. There are only three exceptions to the requirement to complete this field, namely
  • When the class of the document (not being a court document) is either Draft or Not sent.
  • With a court document, when the class is Ex Parte.

    DateFiled - Editable time field
    This field is only completed for court documents.

    Class -Editable shared keyword field
    The Class field is an important tool in organising and classifying documents. See references to this field in the discussion on views.

    This field holds the NoteID of the document. It is used:
  • In the refence of Word documents;
  • To identify the document in Notes from the hard copy;
  • to find a document.

    A brief description of the document.

    Attachments - Rich text

    Administration section
    Review - computed to set the Under review Status

    Reviewed- computed to set the Reviewed Status


    Document locking
    Once you enter edit mode or launch a Word attachment, only you can edit the document until you exit edit mode or close the Word Attachment